« Aleks teaches passion, music, artistry by being who he is. He teaches my daughter flute, I wish he was my teacher when I was growing up »
I teach instrumental classes (flute, theremin, piano), theory classes (solfège, counterpoint, composition, sample programming), as well as coachings for professional musicians.
I keep an active teaching studio with students ranging from beginner to professional. I focus on ensuring the student actually understands the concepts taught in each class and that they develop a lifelong enjoyment from the art form. My methods are adapted for each student, rather than relying on outdated methods and materials (as many others do).
To find out if I'm currently accepting new students, or for coaching sessions, workshops or master classes, please use the contact page.
I have given introductory workshops to the theremin to the general public and for corporate events. As well, I have given more specialized master classes for intermediate theremenists, such as the Etherweekend Theremin Centennary Celebration given at the Schulich School Of Music at McGill University.